information about
Jasmine house
The holiday house ‘Jasmine House’ offers a serene retreat for families and friends who appreciate a rejuvenating escape in a forested setting, just outside the city. The environment is harmonious, especially suitable for strengthening health. The idea is based on the family’s values and wishes for joint, meaningful, undisturbed rest in a separate area, also with children.
‘Jasmine House’ is located at the very border of Jelgava – only a 7-minute drive from the city center, but it has a ‘veil of forest’ so that guests can enjoy their vacation undisturbed, in a clean environment, in a closed area in any season. No road transport passes by. Nearby is the river Svete and a recreation area – wooden boardwalks at the flood-land meadows of the river Svete.
jasmine house
Holiday house 'Jasmine House'
95,00 eur/day
up to 6persons
6 bed places+ crib
fire place
Jasmine mini camper rent
35,00 eur/night
25,00 eur/night (on site)
2 adults+ 1 child
bed1,40 x 2,00 m
min. 2 days
category bdriver's licence
jasmine house
Additional options
For holiday house
35,00 eur
Hot tub
45,00 eur
A special additional offer for the guests of Jasmine Home is the opportunity to pamper yourself with a massage, which is done with warm oils, guided by the range of sensations of each person. The procedure combines both classical massage, which relaxes tense muscles, relieves pain, improves blood circulation, as well as elements of Ayurvedic massage techniques, working hand in hand to have a refreshing and calming effect on the body and mind.